Your trusted hub for eco-friendly pest management solutions and organic gardening techniques.

In-person and Virtual Programs offered by Suzanne Bontempo


Gardening from the Ground Up


Did you know simply by increasing the health of your soil you are reducing pest problems? In this class you will learn why it’s important to build soil health, what types of fertilizers to use and how to apply them, and best irrigation practices. This informative class is helpful for those starting out and also a handy refresher for more experienced gardeners.


Grow More Food with Less Pests

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Let garden expert Suzanne Bontempo walk you through how to grow more food with less pests. She’ll will share tips for growing a bounty of food throughout the season and how to manage the pests that may pop up without the use of toxic chemicals Our garden expert is here to explain why reaching for a pesticide or herbicide may not be a solution.  If your plants are in distress, then we need to understand the reason why.  When we know why, we can target the problem without harming our plants, our soil, or the high yields we are waiting for.


Bring in the Beneficials!

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Did you know that 90% of the bugs we see in our gardens are actually good bugs? Encouraging beneficials is one of the best ways to effectively reduce the number of pests in your garden. In this session, you will learn about the most important beneficials and how to attract them. Fun for the whole family! Learn why the plants you have near your garden can have a big impact.


Grow Food the Waterwise Way


Learn how to grow food with a waterwise approach. In this webinar, gardening expert Suzanne Bontempo will share techniques and strategies for growing an abundance of food for a season-long harvest while using less water. This class is suited for all skill levels


IPM for Growing Healthy Roses


The variety of roses we can grow here is astounding, and roses can provide nearly year-round blooms in our gardens. The Bay Area’s long growing season also means there is more time for bad bugs and diseases to develop. Learn from our expert about the diseases and insect pests particular to our area, and how to prevent those problems before they take over your roses. Many pesticides can do more harm than good. We will show you how to keep your roses in top form with pruning, fertilizing and watering advice that works where we live.


How to Manage Weeds Safely and Effectively

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Think before you reach for that weed killer! Learn what you can do *now* to ensure fewer weeds all year long. You will learn about organic, eco-friendly techniques for safe and effective weed management.


Previously Recorded Program

In partnership with the California Native Plant Society

Garden pests—the bane of every gardener’s existence. Pests can be a problem, even for native plants, which generally have less of them. In this webinar, learn about what Horticulture folks call “integrated pest management” and how to deal with these critters in ways that don’t harm the environment.


Don’t see a program that covers your topic of interest?

Contact Suzanne and she’ll create a custom program if you have a specific topic in mind.

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Testimonials for Suzanne Bontempo 

from virtual classes/webinars:

 'Just want to say that I think you are a terrific presenter. In addition to your knowledge, your naturalness and clarity keep me interested--never a flagging moment. Thank you thank you thank you.’

- D.Schramm

‘Thank you for your amazing talk on Sat Jan 11 on Winter Gardening Essentials.  I learned way more from one session with you than all my internet searches and youtube views!  I am so delighted to have found your site and have signed up for your newsletter/blog as well.’

- L.F., Marin County


‘Your webinar today was fantastic! Your delivery was natural but so articulate and you knew the right level of detail to provide. I had submitted several questions ahead of time and you addressed them all. I learned a lot and will follow up with the links you provided and signed up for your newsletter.’

- Katy H, San Rafael, CA


from In-person classes:


"Suzanne's expertise, enthusiasm and engaging manner took the sting out of learning about bees. She leaves you feeling friendlier toward bees and other beneficial insects, and curious to take a closer look at their vitally important role in sustaining our gardens' health and beauty."


"Suzanne is wonderful educator, reminding us not to forget our little pollinators who are critical to garden health. It is valuable that she is connected to various garden entities in the Bay Area and shares information from different resources."


"Suzanne is a wonderful educator. Her extensive knowledge and enthusiasm leave you curious, well informed and ready to experience your garden at a new level."

-attendees at the SF-FNV of Annual Garden Tour


“I first met Suzanne at a class at Lyngso where she talked about building healthy soil, pest management, good and bad bugs and all kinds of great information about watering.  I loved her scientific, yet easy to understand style.  She then came to my home and was able to help me identify areas of improvement and areas that were working well.  As a fairly new gardener and being a hands on learner, it was incredibly helpful to walk around with Suzanne and get answers to my questions.”